Parent Community Evening March 2023
Posted 07/04/2023 10:04 : By: KayleighHall
Termly at The Children’s Garden Norwich we invite our nursery community, without the children being present, for some adult dialogue. Healthy and intelligent discussions take place about the learning that is happening in our spaces across the nursery and at home.
Parents/carers have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss any worries they may have. Documentation and ideas are shared. This supports the identity of the small group work which the children undertake and helps parents/carers to look deeper into the process and not just see the end product.
While individual meetings with lead educators can and do take place where needed, this termly event is about focusing on creating a community.
Artists, gardeners, Montessori and outdoor educators, as well as cooks and forest school teachers, work together to understand the children’s work in conjunction with the parents/carers.
The collaboration between each role in our nursery helps to improve each practitioner/educator and to create the best possible early years' experience for our children.